How Long Does It Take for an Oven to Preheat to 350 (Gas and Electric)

We often hear chefs say to preheat an oven. But what does that mean? You can just simply pop in your food and cook it gradually in the oven. There should be no big of a fuss about that. It is not rocket science.

But as it turns out, there is a little bit of food science behind it. When you preheat an oven, your food turns out perfectly cooked all the way. There won’t be any part left uncooked and you will have an amazing crust outside of it. 

How Long Does It Take for an Oven to Preheat to 350

But how long does it take for an oven to preheat to 350, that is the question. Let’s dive into the article and reveal that.

How Long Does It Take for an Oven to Preheat to 350

There are two types of the oven in the business, one is the gas oven and another is an electric oven. Although they serve the same purpose, they function a little bit differently. And for that reason, they both take different times to preheat to 350.

A gas oven well uses gas as fuel to heat up your oven. And it is the easiest way to heat up anything. It takes a gas oven to reach your expected temperature faster than an electric oven. Normally for a gas oven, it takes up to  8-10 minutes to preheat to 350 degrees. Which is really fast.

But for an electric oven, on the other hand, the time is slightly different. It takes about 10- 15 minutes to reach 350 degrees for an electric oven. The time difference is not that much. 

And both of the ovens perform great in cooking your food thoroughly. No doubt here about that. 

How Does an Oven Work

An oven is pretty simple when it comes to its functions. There is a thermostat that regulates the temperature. You set it to your likewise and it will start heating the oven. And the thermostat holds that temperature and keeps the process going. 

A gas oven uses gas as fuel and has an igniter to light it up. And it can go up to 500 degrees or more in just 10-20 minutes or so. 

For an electric oven though, it is a bit slow. As it uses electricity instead of gas, it takes a little bit longer to heat up the whole thing. It usually takes 20-30 minutes to reach 450 degrees. 

Once that temperature is reached, you can pop in your food and close it. It will cook evenly and you will have a beautiful dish in the end. But why do you need to preheat your oven?

Why Preheating Is Necessary

While you might often hear chefs saying to preheat your oven, it is due to the internal temperature of the oven. 

It takes a little bit of time for the interior of the whole oven to reach the level of temperature for cooking. Like a pot on the stovetop, you just don’t let your foods all in at once. You heat your pot or pan first and then gradually add your elements. 

The same thing goes for an oven. It is a cold chamber in the beginning. When you preheat it, the chamber gets heated up from all corners. And create the perfect vessel for your food to be cooked thoroughly. If you simply put your food inside a cold oven and start heating, some parts of it will get cooked, and some won’t. And when you will leave it to cook it thoroughly, some parts will burn.

This is why you have to preheat your oven before popping in your dish. No matter what it is, baking, cooking, roasting, or stewing, you need to preheat your oven. 

Depending on the dish you are making, you will need to preheat your oven to a certain temperature. If it is too much, your food will be undercooked inside and overcooked on the outside. So preheating at the right temperature is crucial. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should it take for an electric oven to heat to 350?

Electric ovens are more efficient than gas ovens. As there is no gas fuel involved, it’s much safer and cleaner to use. But it takes a bit longer to preheat your electric oven than a gas-powered oven. An electric oven takes up to 10-15 minutes to reach 350 degrees.

Can you put food in the oven while it’s preheating?

Although you can put your food in your oven whenever you want, no matter if it is preheating or off, it is not an ideal thing to do. When your oven is preheating, it is creating a hot atmosphere and getting prepared to cook your food. If you open the door in the middle of it, the heat will escape and some part of your food might be undercooked and even burnt. 

Are 5 minutes enough to preheat the oven?

No. It normally takes a gas oven 10 minutes to reach 300 degrees. And more for an electric oven. In 5 minutes, the oven might go to just 200 degrees. If your food recipe requires that temperature, then it is good enough. Otherwise, 5 minutes is a bit too less to preheat any oven.

What does preheating the oven to 350 mean?

Preheating means heating your oven to a certain temperature that is required to cook your desired dish. It varies on the recipe to which temperature your oven needs to be preheated. Preheating is like making your pot or pan hot enough to put in the ingredients so that it cooks perfectly. If you don’t preheat your oven, it leaves some part of your dish undercooked. Preheating your oven to 350 means your oven should be at 350 degrees temperature before you put it in your dish. 


Preheating is a crucial step for using your oven. Skipping it might end you up with undercooked cookies, rare roast, or even a think stew. Following the right preheated temperature not only gives you a perfect dish but also saves time and money. You won’t be wasting time waiting for your dish to be cooked. And when it comes out, it is the most amazing thing in the world to behold. So do not skip the preheating step, no matter if you are using a gas oven or an electric one. 

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