How to Dehydrate Chicken Feet in the Oven? Simple Guide

Dehydrating chicken feet in the oven is an easy, cost-effective way to preserve them for longer term storage. It removes moisture from the feet, preventing spoilage so they can be enjoyed up to a year later. The low, even heat of the oven gently dries the feet without cooking them.

Below, I will explain how to dehydrate chicken feet, what are the benefits of doing so, and how you can store them properly after you are done with the dehydration process. So, let’s begin.

How to Dehydrate Chicken Feet in the Oven

Benefits of Dehydrating Chicken Feet

Dehydrating chicken feet has advantages over other preservation methods like canning or freezing. It requires no special equipment besides oven trays. Dried feet take up less storage space and have a longer shelf life compared to frozen or canned. The flavor also intensifies as the moisture evaporates.

Dried chicken feet can be reconstituted later by simmering in broth or water. They add rich collagen and gelatin when used for soups, stews and stocks. Dehydrated feet also work well ground into powder for unique seasoning blends.

Equipment Needed

Equipment Needed

Dehydrating chicken feet in the oven only requires a few basic supplies:


A standard kitchen oven works well for dehydrating chicken feet. The oven should be capable of maintaining a temperature under 200°F. This low heat slowly dries the feet without cooking them.

Dehydrator Trays or Wire Racks

Special dehydrator trays are ideal for evenly dehydrating chicken feet in the oven. Wire racks or baking sheets can also work. The feet should be arranged in a single layer with space between each for air circulation. Parchment paper can optionally be lined on top of the trays.

Chicken Feet Preparation

Chicken Feet Preparation

Proper preparation of the chicken feet is an important first step.

Selecting and Cleaning Chicken Feet

It’s best to use fresh, raw chicken feet for dehydrating. Avoid using pre-cooked feet. When selecting feet, choose those that are smooth-skinned without blemishes.

Thoroughly wash the feet before dehydrating. Use cold water to scrub away any dirt, debris or film. Use a stiff brush to clean between the toes and remove the outer yellow skin. Clip the nails if desired. Rinse well and pat dry.

Pre-Treating Chicken Feet

For added flavor, chicken feet can be pre-treated before dehydrating by marinating, brining or rubbing with spices.

Soaking feet in a saltwater brine of 1 tablespoon salt per quart of water for 30 minutes seasons and tenderizes. A simple marinade of oil, vinegar and spices can also infuse flavor. Massaging dry spices like garlic powder, paprika or cayenne onto the feet provides a coating and seasoning.

Dehydrating Process

Use the following steps to properly dehydrate chicken feet in the oven:

Arrange Feet on Trays

Arrange clean, prepared feet on the dehydrator trays or wire racks in a single layer. Leave about 1/2 inch space between each foot for air circulation.

Set Oven Temperature

Ideal oven temperatures for dehydrating chicken feet range between 145°F to 170°F. Lower temperatures work best to slowly and evenly draw moisture from the chicken feet.

Place Trays in Oven

Position the oven racks in the middle and place loaded trays on each rack. Using multiple racks shortens the total dehydrating time.

Rotate and Flip Periodically

For even drying, rotate the trays front to back and switch rack positions every few hours. Also flip each foot over halfway through.

Dehydrate 6-12 Hours

Depending on the oven temperature and size of feet, dehydrating times range from 6-12 hours. Chicken feet are fully dried when the meat easily separates from the bone.


After dehydrating, let chicken feet cool completely before packaging to avoid condensation build-up. Place dried feet in airtight containers or bags. Store in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year.

Serving and Uses

Dried chicken feet require reconstituting before eating. Simmer in broth or water for 1-2 hours until plump. Rehydrated chicken feet make flavorful additions to soups, stews and stocks.

Dehydrated feet can also be ground into powder using a blender or food processor. This collagen-rich powder acts as an umami seasoning for various dishes.

Safety Tips

Follow these recommendations for safe results when dehydrating chicken feet:

  • Always fully cook raw chicken feet before dehydrating to eliminate bacteria. Bring to an internal temperature of 165°F.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling feet. Avoid cross-contaminating other foods.
  • Use clean equipment and trays. Don’t dehydrate feet on trays used for raw meat.
  • Check feet are fully dehydrated – meat should not feel rubbery or soft. Discard any with signs of spoilage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What temperature should I dehydrate chicken feet at?

Between 145°F to 170°F works best. Lower temperatures dehydrate the feet slower for better preservation.

How long does it take to dehydrate chicken feet?

From 6-12 hours usually. Larger feet may take longer. Check periodically until dried through.

Can I dehydrate chicken feet in my regular oven?

Yes, any basic kitchen oven that can maintain temperatures under 200°F will work.

Do I need special dehydrator trays?

No, wire racks or baking sheets can be used instead to arrange the chicken feet.

How do I know when the feet are fully dehydrated?

They will feel hard and brittle. The meat will tear away easily from the bone when bending the feet.

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