Can You Plug a Mini Fridge Into a Surge Protector – Safe or Risky?

Nowadays mini-fridges have progressively become famous electrical appliances. This is specially targeted for those people who live in a small apartment. Compared with refrigerators, mini-fridges have several benefits also drawbacks because mini-fridges can be easily moved but the refrigerator is not that convenient.

Yes, you can plug a mini fridge into a surge protector. It’s a good practice to protect your appliances from power surges. However, ensure that the surge protector can handle the fridge’s power requirements, and avoid daisy-chaining multiple surge protectors.

In this article, we are going to help you understand the specifications of mini fridge and surge protector. We will also help you by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of plugging a mini-fridge into a surge protector. So further any delay let’s get started.

Can You Plug a Mini Fridge Into a Surge Protector

How Can I Plug a Mini Fridge Into a Surge Protector

If you are thinking of plugging a mini fridge into a surge protector then get ready to do it step by step. The following steps will help you to plug a mini fridge into a surge protector:

Step 01: Find out the power cord and unplug it from the wall outlet.
Step 02: Plug the surge protector into the wall outlet.
Step 03: Plug the power cable of the mini fridge into one of the empty chambers on the surge protector.
Step 04: Turn on the mini fridge and surge protector.
Step 05: Make sure that the mini-fridge is running appropriately and that the temperature is at the desired setting.

By following these steps, you can easily plug your device into a surge protector.

The Ideal Surge Protector for Your Mini Fridge

Complies with the Voltage and Ampere of the Mini Fridge

The ideal surge protector to plug a mini fridge should fulfill the voltage and ampere rating of your appliances. You can easily find out the rating of surge protectors, it is visible by stickers or by the rating carved into its body.

5 Amp Higher At Least

We strongly recommend you to use a surge protector that is rated at least 5amp higher than the rated current of your mini fridge. If you want to use the surge protector for your other home appliances or other devices the recommendation will be the same for you.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Plugging a Mini Fridge into a Surge Protector


  • An ideal surge protector can protect your mini fridge or other home or kitchen appliances from lightning surges that may damage the internal components of the appliances.
  • Surge protectors also prevent power disruption from affecting the performance of the mini-fridge.
  • Some surge protectors have built-in USB ports that permit you to charge other devices while keeping the mini fridge plugged in.


  • Some surge protectors may not be cooperative with the mini fridge’s power requirement, as a result, the mini fridge could have been damaged or may not have been working properly.
  • Some surge protectors have limited chambers, which may not be adequate if you have multiple devices to plug in.
  • Surge protectors do not protect against electricity disruption or blackout, which may affect the performances of the other appliances including mini-fridges.

What Are The Alternatives to Use a Surge Protector with a Mini Fridge

There are a few alternatives you can use instead of a surge protector to protect your home appliances and your home electrical systems including a mini fridge. Alternatives are as given below:

Plug the Mini Fridge Directly into a Chamber

This is the most used direct option; therefore, it doesn’t need any extra equipment. Still, it is necessary to make sure that the outlet is rated for the power draw of the mini-fridge and notice that the outlet is in better condition to operate.

Use a Circuit Breaker or Fuse

If the mini fridge that you plan to plug into the outlet is protected by a circuit breaker or fuse, this can provide some protection against lightning surges and any kind of electrical problems. However, this CB or MCB and Fuse are not designed for this surge protection and won’t ensure the same level of safety as a surge protector.

Install a Complete-Home Surge Protector

Maybe you’re concerned about lightning surges and electrical issues across your home. And, you’re thinking of installing a complete-home surge protector. You may proceed to install these devices throughout your home.

These devices are installed at the electrical panel to ensure protection for all outlets of your home including home appliances. Though it is a very expensive option, it ensures the highest level of safety for your home.

Precautions for Mini Fridge Surge Protector Setup

  • A surge protector can protect the circuit against spikes e.g. lightning surges. The surge protector is available in a submerged version with a transient voltage suppression diode.
  • Check before connecting the mini fridge to a surge protector. Be sure that both devices are unplugged and disconnected before making any connection.
  • Check the voltage and ampere rating before making any connection. Make sure that the requirements of the surge protector are matched with the mini fridge and fulfill the requirements.
  • Check the outlet on the surge protector that you have enough chambers for other devices or appliances including the mini-fridge.
  • Notice that the surge protector is properly grounded before plugging the mini-fridge.
  • It is recommended not to connect the mini fridge to the outlet that is controlled by a switch or a dimmer.
  • A surge protector is like a bypass or a filter and can provide standard protection. A surge protector supplies smooth electric flow by bypassing lightning strikes.

People Also Ask

Should I Plug a Mini Fridge into a Surge Protector?

Yes, you should plug a mini fridge into a surge protector just remain on the safe side. But, you should not think it for big size refrigerator it won’t be a good idea. But, it is appropriate for a mini fridge to protect from surge.

What Amps Does a Mini Fridge Need?

A mini fridge uses 50 to 100 Watts of power. So, the rated current is about 2 amp.

Wrapping Up

You can plug your mini fridge into a surge protector but it is not always the best option. However, surge protectors protect any electrical components by absorbing lightning strikes. If you want to use a surge protector make sure that the specifications of your mini fridge align with the power surge protectors you are going to use. Remember the precautions, steps, benefits, drawbacks, and other facts we have discussed above.

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