7 Popular Pizza Oven Stand Ideas

Pizzas can be made in regular ovens but they won’t be as tasty and crusty as the ones made in a pizza oven. Because it can produce more heat than other ovens. Moreover, they are big in size so you can make larger ones in them. Now, you can set up the oven indoors as well as outdoors. Furthermore, there are portable ovens are available in the market.

Pizza Oven Stand Ideas

These are Our Top 7 Pizza Oven Stand Ideas

If you want to set up your pizza oven indoors then you can put them on a kitchen counter or shelves. However, it’s better to put that on outdoors as it’ll be helpful for the omission of heat. Besides, you can enjoy pizza night or do a party using an outdoor oven. Hence if you have the opportunity to set up the oven outdoors then you should.

1. Outdoor Pizza Oven Stand Ideas

In the case of installing a pizza oven outdoors, it should be in the backyard of the house. The stand of the oven should have a safe distance from the house but not much. Thus the distance between the house and the stand should be close as you’ll need ingredients to cook from the house. This way you can install a large oven enough to make food for everyone.

On top of that, you can set up the oven in the pool house or any secondary structure of the house so that you can have easy access to water. Therefore it would be easy to prepare, cook, serve, and eat the foods in the space.

2. Wooden Pizza Oven Stand

If you prefer wood fired oven then a wooden stand should be an option that you must avoid. But if you’re using an electric or gas oven you should then you can have a wooden stand for it. Wooden stand not only looks aesthetic but also environment friendly. Although you need to be cautious about the stand catching fire.

The fun part about wooden stands is that you can make them by yourself. It’s pretty easy to DIY them with the help of some tools. Also, you can make the stand a little bit wider so that you can have space beside the oven.

3. Brick Pizza Oven Stand

It can’t be unknown to you that wood-fueled foods taste better in addition to they preserve nutrients more than other used fuels. So it’s normal to want to have wood-fired homemade pizzas to enjoy. In such a case you should go for a brick oven and stand. Moreover, you can DIY them with brick, cement, and some other tools.

What’s more, bricks and stones are the least heat transparent and most fireproof compared to wood, metal, or steel stands. You can also make them attached to any wall of your backyard that’s safe. Again you can put tiles on the bricks to make it look appealing.

4. Steel Or Metal Pizza Oven Stand

Steel and metal oven stands are available in the market with various designs. They are lightweight and customizable. For this, they are also used as portable stands. The wheeled metal or steel stands are more fuss-free to transfer. By having these stands you can make delicious pizza both inside and outside your house, whatever you prefer.

5. Outside Table Or Kitchen

In case, you have a durable table in your backyard already you can place the oven on it. Or else you can make a kitchen outside in your spacious backyard to cook other foods and place the oven there. Either way, you’ll need a huge open space along with a strong base.

6. BBQ As A Pizza Oven Stand

It’s a resourceful idea to use BBQ as an oven stand. Since it has a built-in stand and it takes a little space, you can put your oven on it whenever you need. But it could be a problem if you want to do BBQ and make pizza at the same time outside. To resolve you can make pizza in any other place while making BBQ.

Moreover, you can always keep the oven in your garage or pool house, or secondary house structure assuming that you have a base in there. That base can work as a stand effortfully.

7. DIY Pizza Oven Stand

On the assumption that you want to make a pizza oven stand then you have two options, brick and wooden. The wooden stand is comparatively easy to make. The necessary items you’ll need to make a wooden oven stand are:-

  • Circular saw
  • Drill
  • Plywood sheet
  • Decking and wood screws
  • Measuring tape
  • Level
  • Brush
  • Poly or stain

You have to cut your plywood sheets with a saw after measuring them as you want them. Then assemble them using the drill and screws. Use the level to make sure they are attached flawlessly. You can stain them with a brush if you want to or the stand can be used without any poly or stain. It’s up to you if you want it or not.

However, a brick stand takes more time to be made and needs heavy tools.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What Is The Best Pizza Oven Base?

Fire bricks are the best base for an oven base. The reason behind this is they are made especially to endure high heat without causing any hazards. They are also used in fireplaces for their amazing quality.

How To Make The OONI Pizza Oven Stand?

OONI modular table is a perfect match for the OONI pizza oven. But if you can’t afford one you can put it on any type of surface. Any glass or plastic surface should be avoided for any oven, rather wood, brick, stone, or marble is recommended.


You can buy any type of pizza oven stand or table available in the market or make it by yourself or order it in your preferable design. It’s up to your choice and comforts what stand you want to use. You just need to make sure the material of the stand is safe enough and heat resistant. Moreover, you have to be careful while using it.

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