Hotpoint Oven Pilot Light Won’t Stay Lit | Here’s What to Do

A common issue that homeowners may encounter with gas ovens, including Hotpoint models, is a pilot light that won’t stay lit. A functioning pilot light is essential for the oven to heat properly. If you’re facing this problem, there are several potential causes and solutions to explore. 

In this article, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting process to help you get your Hotpoint oven back in working order.

Hotpoint Oven Pilot Light Won't Stay Lit

How to Fix Hotpoint Oven Pilot Light that Won’t Stay Lit

Here’s how you can fix your Hotpoint oven pilot light that doesn’t turn on or won’t stay lit:

Safety First

Before diving into any troubleshooting, it’s crucial to emphasize safety. Always turn off the gas supply to your oven and ensure proper ventilation in your kitchen. Gas-related issues can be dangerous if mishandled, so exercise caution throughout the process.

Clean the Pilot Assembly

Over time, dust and debris can accumulate around the pilot light, interfering with its operation. Start by gently cleaning the area around the pilot light with a soft brush or compressed air. Ensure there is no buildup that might block the flame.

Clean the Pilot Assembly

Thermocouple Adjustment

Thermocouple Adjustment

The thermocouple is a safety device that detects the presence of a flame and keeps the pilot light lit. If it’s not positioned correctly, it might not generate enough heat to maintain the pilot light. Carefully adjust the thermocouple’s position so that it’s in the path of the pilot light’s flame.

Check for Gas Flow

A steady flow of gas to the pilot light is essential for it to stay lit. Examine the gas line for any obstructions, and ensure there are no blockages that might hinder gas flow. Clean any clogs if necessary.

Replace the Thermocouple

If, after trying the above steps, the pilot light still won’t stay lit, the thermocouple could be the culprit. Over time, thermocouples can wear out or become faulty. You can find a compatible replacement thermocouple for your Hotpoint oven at a hardware store or by contacting Hotpoint’s customer support.

Ignition System

Some Hotpoint ovens feature electronic ignition systems instead of traditional pilot lights. If your oven has electronic ignition, ensure it’s functioning correctly. These systems can also fail, preventing the pilot light from staying lit. If needed, consider having a professional technician repair or replace the ignition system.

People Also Ask

Why won’t my Hotpoint oven’s pilot light stay lit?

There could be several reasons for this issue, including a dirty pilot assembly, a misaligned thermocouple, insufficient gas flow, or a faulty thermocouple. The pilot light may also struggle to stay lit if you have an electronic ignition system that’s not functioning correctly.

How do I clean the pilot assembly of my Hotpoint oven?

To clean the pilot assembly, turn off the gas supply, and gently remove dust and debris around the pilot light using a soft brush or compressed air. Ensure there’s no buildup that might obstruct the flame.

What is a thermocouple, and why is it important?

A thermocouple is a safety device that detects the presence of a flame. It’s essential for keeping the pilot light lit. If the thermocouple isn’t positioned correctly or is faulty, it may not generate enough heat to maintain the pilot light.

How can I adjust the thermocouple in my Hotpoint oven?

Carefully adjust the position of the thermocouple so that it’s in the path of the pilot light’s flame. This helps ensure that it can detect the flame’s presence effectively.

What should I do if there’s insufficient gas flow to the pilot light?

If you suspect insufficient gas flow, inspect the gas line for any obstructions or blockages. Clean any clogs or obstructions you find. Always turn off the gas supply before doing any work.

Can I replace the thermocouple in my Hotpoint oven myself?

Yes, you can replace the thermocouple yourself. You can find compatible replacement thermocouples at hardware stores or by contacting Hotpoint’s customer support. Ensure you follow safety guidelines and turn off the gas supply before attempting this.


A Hotpoint oven with a pilot light that won’t stay lit can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often pinpoint the issue and resolve it. Remember to prioritize safety throughout the process, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. By following these steps, you can enjoy a fully functional oven once more, ready to serve up delicious meals for you and your family.

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